Rizeanu Steliana
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Hyperion University of Bucharest Romania
Presently, Steliana Rizeanu is working as a Dean and Professor PhD at Hyperion University of Bucharest, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, where she teach the subjects Psychotherapy and Psychology of addiction. She is also certified psychotherapist in cognitive-behavioral therapy, clinician psychologist and supervisor. She has completed her PhD in Psychology from University of Bucharest, with the thesis: Pathological Gambling; Model of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. She will also supervise master degree dissertations and a member of Scientific Board of the Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology and Romanian Journal of Psychological Studies. Over the past years, she has been involved with theoretical and practical research in pathological gambling field and since 2010, she coordinates the “Gamble responsible†project in Romania. She is a member of Gavin Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy editorial team, member of editorial board of ARJAR –American Research Journal of Addiction and Rehabilitation, member of Cresco Online Publishing editorial board and member of American Research Journal of Geriatrics and Aging editorial board.
Research Interest
Pathological Gambling, Personality Disorders, Psychological Profile of the Young Psychologists